
This project is under active development!

This page contains resources for many topics regarding CAD and how to CAD robots in FTC. They are separated by category, use the navigation panel on the left to find what you need!

Designing Custom Parts

The resources below contain information about designing custom parts.

GrabCAD library!

This is a growing collection of over 400 CAD Files from 6 FTC vendors, with all files named and organized to simply your workflow. With one download, many of you won’t have to worry about downloading parts for the rest of the season! The library is now available to the FTC community through our GrabCAD page accessible here.

FTC Onshape Resources

Onshape is an amazing tool to CAD your robot or different parts of your robot.

FTC Blender Resources

If you have that one student on your team :D.


You get free Solidworks licenses if you choose that route.